Tuesday, 10 September 2013

DotA 2 is making me RACIST!

Ok, ok.  I'm not really getting racist but like most Canadian/USA citizens who are too lazy to learn a second language, I get frustrated when non-English speakers are on my team.  I ALWAYS select the option to English only when I'm searching for a game but time after time I get teammates who cannot speak English or can only formulate a few broken words.  Then the rest of the game I hear them yelling "PUNTA" or "MUERTO" through VOIP as they tower dive 4 heroes and die.

It's not that I think that South Americans or Asians or any other non-English speakers are bad players, or stupid, etc.  I've had my butt handed to me by skilled players from both of those categories many, many times.  It's just that in a game like DotA 2 teamwork is so important.  If even 1 person isn't working with the team and is dying repeatedly, or not being there when there's supposed to and causing their teammates to die, then it snowballs into a huge advantage for the enemy team.  When a player dies, it gives the opposing team money, experience, and freedom to be more aggressive than they normally would if you had 5 players alive on your team.  That means they can take towers, kill Roshan, kill more of you, or even just spend more time aggressively farming your area.

I remember hearing something back in the day that s2 removed access from South Americans from playing on North American servers (in HoN) and thinking wow that seems kind of harsh.  However, I really think it is a good idea.  If people cannot communicate then they cannot work together.  If a team cannot work together then they're going to lose.

Here's one game where 3/5 of my team could not speak english.  I played my heart out but still could not win because we couldn't formulate any proper plans: Furion Game 3 non-English

Another one where it was even worse where 3/5 were non-English speakers.  I did poorly this game and wasn't even able to carry us to an almost win: Jugg Game 3 non-English

The sad thing is the other English speaker in these games, both times, is my fiance.  So for some reason Valve kept pairing us up with non-English speakers despite having English only checked when we were searching for a game.  Does anyone else have problems like this or are we just really unlucky?



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