I'll readily admit that Infinite Crisis is currently more or less a clone of League of Legends. It's still early in closed beta so the game may gradually grow into it's own unique game, but so far it's LoL with superheroes. Yes, it has some differences like the destructible environments, orbital canon on Gotham Heights (Their version of Dominion) but more or less it's based off of LoL. Having said that I do love the game and can't wait for it to release it's new map Coast City. I've been holding off playing IC a bit because I got a bit bored with the Dominion style map they're currently using for testing, but when Coast City is out I'll be back to killing people with different versions of Batman over and over!
There has been some discussion on the forums over at IC as to whether they should adopt any type of DotA 2 mechanics that aren't seen in LoL. The two DotA 2 type mechanics that I think would benefit IC and are currently absent from the game are creep denying and loss of gold upon death.
Loss of gold on death means that everyone isn't going to become farmed eventually. That's one thing that turned me off of LoL was that it really wasn't difficult to get maxed items in that game. In DotA 2 or HoN, if an enemy carry gets full 6 slots of top tier items then the fault is on your team for not applying enough pressure to him. By carefully orchestrated ganks and teamwork you can keep the opposing team's carry player down and prevent them from getting out of control and dominating the game. In LoL you can have 2-3 players sitting on the enemy team's carry and trying to kill them or simply stopping them from farming. However, all your doing is slowing the carry down since they will passively be gaining gold and not losing any from dying. Plus, you're devoting the time of 3 of your players into sitting on 1 of the opposing team's players. In the mean time the rest of your enemy team could be farming, killing your carry, or destroying your towers or rax. A careful gank in a game where you lose gold when you die is enough to keep a carry in check, if done regularly.
Denying is also a great way of separating the men from the boys. Adding dimensions where you can prevent enemy players from getting gold adds a whole different facet of skill to the game. I love watching 2 highly skilled mid players in DotA 2 or HoN rotating between last hitting, denying, and harassing each other. I may sound like a turbo nerd here but to me it's like a form of dance and only someone who really understands the game can appreciate how difficult it is. In LoL you can prevent your opponent from farming in a lane by completing dominating it and zoning them away, however you can do this as well as deny experience in DotA 2 which I think is even more effective.
Back in the early days of DotA when a creep was denied it would deny 100% of the exp the creep would give. People that were really good at last hitting would completely dominate their opponent and leave them at level 1-2 and snowball out of control. They rightfully nerfed the deny mechanic and now it still gives a portion of exp even when denied. You cannot completely ruin someone's game through denying anymore but you can put them slightly behind.
I think any mechanic that adds more layers of skill to a game is a good thing and I hope the developers of IC will consider implementing loss of gold on death and denying as a way to make their game even more skill based than it is. Thoughts?
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